Margaret Sanger: In Her Own Words

Sanger's Pivot of Civilization

The Blind are the Dead Weight of Human Waste
And Many Infants Should Just be Killed

By giving out their annual Margaret Sanger Award, starting in 1966 and until today, Planned Parenthood’s still celebrates their cruel, brutal, and racist founder.

2021 Update: No recipient has received this award since 2015. In 2021, Planned Parenthood's president stated in the New York Times, "We're done making excuses for our founder."

The Handicapped are Human Waste: wrote that the handicapped, including the "blind, deaf, dumb, mute and epileptics," were the "dead weight of human waste" in her book Pivot of Civilization. See this quote in context online at Google Books on page 112.

Kill Babies Even After They are Born: Planned Parenthood still says that they are Proud of our Past, even though their longtime president Margaret Sanger wrote on page 63 of her book Woman and the New Race, "The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it."  Also, learn about Sanger's Negro Project in Maafa 21 (see the trailer for starters).

Sanger scan on infanticide & blind people as human waste

Anti-Slavery William Lloyd Garrison Instructs Us

Lessons Learned from the Leading U.S. Abolitionist

William Lloyd GarrisonEffective pro-lifers will learn key lessons from the fight in various countries to end slavery. Henry Mayer summarized his definitive biography of American abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison, All on Fire, with the excerpts below. In Garrison's day, the political power, money and influence overwhelmingly supported compromise on slavery including the colonization faction that mostly opposed fighting for abolition but instead raised money to ship willing blacks back to Africa. As today with personhood for the unborn child, various "anti-slavery movements" were actually hostile to abolitionists like Garrison who insisted on fighting for immediate emancipation and equal rights for blacks.

Unlike with abortion, the framers had written tolerance of slavery into the U.S. Constitution itself. So by human standards, Garrison's principled fight against all the pragmatic "anti-slavery but anti-abolition" compromises seemed futile. But as Martin Luther King Jr. paraphrased Theodore Parker in his "Of Justice and the Conscience" from 1853, "the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice." For truth eventually wins out. And if pragmatism means "what works," then Garrison's uncompromising moral stand was also the only true pragmatic position. Thus biographer Mayer captured this great encouragement that the personhood movement takes from Garrison, for as he wrote:

Of all the pre-war political conceptions about slavery that contended for supremacy:
- states' rights
- three-fifths clause
- Missouri Compromise
- [colonization]
- toleration but non-extension
- popular sovereignty
it was Garrison's program of immediate emancipation through the repudiation of the proslavery constitutional compromise... that prevailed.

The undeniable parallel to today's battle for the unborn appears as a pro-life industry has arisen which raises millions of dollars but opposes the personhood movement and anyone who fights for the right to life of the unborn child. The force of truth is on the child's side as it was on Garrison's side when, against all odds, his principled view won out over the more popular, compromised alternatives.

In this Garrison biography these abolitionist parallels to today's political struggle fly off every page. Those who don't learn from history repeat it. The battle within the battle, where "anti-slavery" camps fought against abolition, is reenacted today as "conservatives" regulate abortion but oppose personhood. The battlefield is the heart and soul of the pro-life movement.

In the preface summarizing his 700-page triumphal account of America's leading abolitionist, Henry Mayer could have been writing about the struggle between the personhood movement and a pro-life movement which has been hijacked and turned into an industry for financial and political gain by politicians, lawyers, and fundraisers who see opportunity only in morally-compromised exceptions and regulations:

All on Fire is a book about an agitator and its argument can be simply stated, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879, is an authentic American hero who, with a biblical prophet's power and a propagandist's skill, forced the nation to confront the most crucial moral issue in its history.

He inspired... a collaboration of ordinary people, stirred by injustice and committed to each other, who achieved a social change that conventional wisdom first condemned as wrong, and then ridiculed as impossible.

He boldly coupled his demand for immediate emancipation with an insistence upon equal rights for black people, a principled stand whose moral clarity eluded every prominent political figure of his era.

2012 Pro-life Candidate Survey

Dear Pro-life Candidate, please send your answers to American RTL.

Dear Pro-life Organization, you are invited to replace ARTL's name and websites with yours  to make this survey your own in the jurisdiction where you fight. A goal of ARTL's Candidate Survey is to eliminate the "wiggle room" common in typical candidate surveys. Countless pro-abortion politicians have been "rated" as pro-life by the pro-life industry. The following questions are designed to bring an end to the time when pro-lifers are commonly deceived (see examples) by our own organizations into voting for "pro-choice" politicians.

American Right To Life Candidate Survey

Dear Candidate,

Please consider your responses to these seven questions and then send your answers to us at the contact information below. Both during the primary and during the general election campaign we mail and email voter guides out to registered pro-lifers and post the results of our candidate questionnaires online at We would like to hear from you before your constituents vote in your state's primary or caucus and its convention or assembly, and especially before the general election, so that voters can benefit from our Pro-life Voters' Guide. For this could be to your advantage as much as to theirs!

If you have primary opponents, they will also be responding, so please reply as soon as possible with your acceptance or rejection of these pro-life principles. We hope you will agree and answer "Yes" to each of the following fundamental moral questions. Thanks!

Candidate Name: __________________________; Party: ______________

Office Sought: ____________________________; Election Year: 2012

1.  Will you advocate that the government recognize and uphold the God-given, inalienable Right to Life for unborn children from the beginning of their biological development?

Good and Bad Fetal Crimes Bills

All state and federal unborn victims of crime bills in America as of April 2021 are unprincipled. Sadly they reinforce the so-called "legitimate" intentional killing of unborn children. This is unnecessary. It will take moral leadership to change the status quo.

Colorado Right To Life repeatedly introduced in the state legislature principled fetal crimes bills. When the single-sentence bill (see the text just below) passed the House of Representatives the Democrat-controlled Senate voted it down. (In 2011 a compromised anti-personhood, abortion-affirming bill was introduced by Republicans but then killed by widespread pro-life opposition led by CRTL.)

Principled UVCA: Working with a county prosecutor, Colorado Right To Life developed this wording (that passed the House), and now American RTL recommends to all states legislation based upon this model:

"If the commission of any crime codified in Title 18 [criminal code] or Title 42 [driving drunk, reckless, etc.] of the Colorado Revised Statutes is the proximate cause of death or injury to an unborn member of the species Homo sapiens, the respective homicide and assault charges for that death or injury may be brought contemporaneously with the underlying charges."