Please Donate to American RTL!

Please consider making a one-time or automatic recurring monthly donation to American Right To Life - General Fund to help the personhood movement fight to end child-killing! ARTL can use your non-tax-deductible gift to also give a political voice to the unborn, no exceptions, toward outlawing all abortion.


Or You Can Call with a Credit Card: You can call us at 1-888-888-ARTL (2785)!

Mail: (if you can forgo a deduction, make your check payable to American RTL, otherwise ARTL Education Fund)
PO Box 1145
Wheat Ridge CO 80034

One-Time Gift to ARTL Education Fund: Please consider giving a tax-deductible donation to American RTL's Education Fund. ARTL makes a commitment to you. We will not use your funds to pay ourselves a salary, nor to fund benefits or a retirement program. But we will pray for wisdom to use your contribution wisely to promote God's enduring command, Do not murder, and all of the ARTL principles! See above to give online via Paypal, by phone, or by mail!

Membership: Please choose from these membership options (family, individual, organization) and then select a payment method below (phone, mail, online) and join ARTL today!

  Family Annual ARTL Membership: $50 (see more...)
  Individual Annual ARTL Membership: $25 (see more...)
  Organization Annual Membership: $100 (see more...) Each time you search the internet you can generate an actual cash donation to ARTL by using! (And also try out!)

So, thank you so much for your love for the Lord, your fight for the innocent, and for considering supporting American RTL!  To sum up, you can contribute vitally needed funds to ARTL by becoming a member, by Paypal, by mailing a check (just let us know if you need a tax deduction), or by calling us at 1-888-888-ARTL!