Alan Keyes on Planned Parenthood property

Four of the most power speakers in the country thundered across Martin Luther King Jr. Park in Denver warning American about black genicide. They stood just a half block from the country's largest killing center. Alan Keyes, Jesse Lee Peterson, Clenard Childress and Flip Benham exposed the wicked racist agenda of the abortion industry. These bold witnesses spoke and then marched to Planned Parenthood.

Truth Truck driver Ron Brock was parked outside of Planned Parenthood with his protest signs lining the sidewalk. Dr. Alan Keyes witnesssed Planned Parenthood security stealing Brock's signs. Without hesitation Dr. Keyes he raced down the street shouting "Return those signs." Ambassador Keyes ran onto the abortion clinic property and confronted the security guard

ARTL Endorses U.S. Senator Wicker's 'Life at Conception Act'

DENVER, June 26, 2008 /USNewswire/ -- "The time is right and the wording is excellent," said Brian Rohrbough, president of American Right to Life. "This bill recognizes the God-given Right to Life of every human being and by doing so, without compromise, it will end the slaughter of innocent children."

S.3111, introduced by Senator Roger Wicker (R) MS, has ten co-sponsors and is scheduled for debate in the Senate Committee on the Judiciary.