Who We Are

American Right To Life: Under the leadership of long-time pro-life activist and ARTL president Leslie Hanks, we advocate for enforcement of God's enduring command, Do not murder (Luke 18:20). Regulating child killing dishonors God and is immoral, and thirty years of evidence shows that it destroys the hope of educating the public and governing officials about the God-given right to life. Individuals, families, and organizations all join ARTL as members and allies in this fight to protect the innocent. The eagle in our logo symbolizes the might of America's Judeo-Christian principles (Exodus 19:4); he is protecting that baby in his right wing, while charging ahead with fierce determination toward the goal to protect all innocent human beings from the wicked who would kill them.

ARTL Salary & Benefits: ARTL's board members, officers, and spokesmen serve without salary. Ministry workers have every right to receive salaries, but that model has not well served the fight to end "legal" abortion and euthanasia. The pro-life industry has become too comfortable as it receives millions of dollars a month in salaries. As a result, ARTL has broken the mold, with no salary for its leaders, and no retirement benefits.

National Right To Life celebrates eternal annual conventions

American RTL Timeframe: Our charter gave the founding leaders (directors and officers) twelve years in which to end abortion in America. They failed at that and are looking for a new slate of leaders to turn the organization over to. ARTL has no desire to hold conferences that count up, like the never-ending, perpetual conventions of NRTL. So far at their 50th Annual and counting, they actually "celebrate" a half century of the war, with their leadership unaccountable to actually win this battle. Weeks before our launch, in Washington D.C. a pro-life debate occurred in which NRTL's general counsel, attorney James Bopp was asked: If you've been saying for decades that this is not the right time to assert personhood, then, when will the right time be? And pro-life leaders in attendance reported to ARTL founders that Bopp answered: I was young when I entered this battle, and I hope my young relatives will someday see the victory. That NRTL timeframe easily translates to another 50 years and another 50 million children killed by chemical and surgical abortions. That is an unacceptable vision.

ARTL Strategy: For over a quarter century, NRTL has dictated a strategy of abortion exceptions and child-killing regulations. Please consider our biblically-based alternative ARTL Strategy!

ARTL History: In 2007, Colorado Right To Life hosted a pro-life summit of 30 leaders from around the nation called together to be a part of, and to witness, the launch of American Right To Life. This was done in part to break the stranglehold on pro-life strategy maintained for decades by anti-personhood, big money organizations which ARTL refers to collectively as the pro-life industry.

Founding President: After two years as president of American RTL (2007-2009) Brian Rohrbough now serves on the board of Life Commercials, an uncompromising and life-saving ministry. Please view Brian's appearance on CBS Evening News. In the history of American broadcasting, Mr. Rohrbough delivered perhaps the strongest and clearest assessment ever of America's culture of death, thereby showing the path we must follow to restore our country to life. America's Independent Party nominated Brian as Ambassador Alan Keyes' vice presidential running mate; listen to a 60-second example of Brian's influence on personhood legislation; and Judie Brown's American Life League, the nation's second-largest pro-life group, profiled him as An Uncompromising Pro-Lifer! Brian became publicly involved in the fight to end the de-criminalization of abortion after his son Daniel was murdered (see our Columbine Massacre Information). And see Brian's writings Legacy of Judas, A Lack of Jurisprudence, and on ABC's anti-baby bias, 'Baby' cut from mom's womb, and on the first-ever overtly pro-personhood Law & Order episode, NBC show defends unborn!

Founding Vice President: Steve Curtis was the founding vice president of American RTL and the chairman of the Colorado Republican Party who co-founded Life Commercials where he currently operates a highly effective Internet strategy for reaching women about to abort their children and encouraging them to call the OptionLine! American RTL invites you to financially support the ongoing work of Mr. Rohrbough and Mr. Curtis at Life Commercials.

A Cautionary Tale: National RTL's website presents a caution about ARTL which refers to a DIFFERENT organization that no longer exists. NRTL sued that former organization (no relation to American Right To Life) out of existence in the 1990s. NRTL could take that caution page down or at least clarify the matter so that NRTL would not misinform and confuse pro-lifers, but so far they chose not to. One of the founding board members of NRTL, John Archibold, is an advisor and supporter of our organization, and he's opposing Nat'l RTL because of the immoral and counterproductive strategy they developed years ago of regulating child killing instead of advocating for personhood and the God-given right to life of the unborn. If you are interested, you can see John's own explanation on Focus on the Strategy II the video that presents the strategy of American RTL.

A Few Links: to interesting and principled sites:
- ExceptionsCalculator.com
- How to Get Pregnant
- and Colorado RTL.

American Right To Life

PO Box 1145

Wheat Ridge CO 80034


office [at] AmericanRTL.org